Controlling Aging
                    What Would/Could/Should Happen?


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This is a sample questionnaire with many "open-ended" questions. Questions of different types (e.g., multiple choice, true/false) could also be developed. A questionnaire could be distributed to students as an assignment to be completed and brought to class the day a discussion of this topic is to take place. A similar questionnaire could be distributed after the discussion as an assignment. It could be turned in at the next class meeting.

What would/could happen?

*Note: ML = mean longevity = life expectancy; XL = maximum longevity

1. How are population projections made by the US Census bureau? What factors are considered?

2. How accurate are population projections?

3. Would increasing ML* have substantial effects on the size or other characteristics of future populations? If so, what would the effects be like?

4. Would increasing XL* have substantial effects on the size or other characteristics of future populations? If so, what would the effects be like?

5. Would increasing both ML and XL have substantial effects on the size or other characteristics of future populations? If so, what would the effects be like?

6. What are the ways we have now that can increase ML?

7. What are the ways we have now that can increase XL?

8. What are some possible future methods for increasing ML?

9. What are some possible future methods for increasing XL?

10. How effective at increasing ML and XL are antioxidant supplements ?

11. How effective at increasing ML or XL are hormone supplements such as DHEA, growth hormone, estrogen, hormone-mimicking substances, melatonin?

12. How close are we to making substitute organs in light of cloning animals and growing cells and tissues in culture.

What should happen?

13. Should people be concerned about possible increases in ML or in XL and if so, why?

14. Which is more important, research into preventing and treating diseases regardless of the effects on ML and XL or research into increasing ML or XL? Why?

15. What is "quality of life"? How is it measured or determined?

16. What are some risks from methods believed to increase ML* or XL*?

*Note: ML = mean longevity = life expectancy; XL = maximum longevity

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©  Copyright 2020: Augustine G. DiGiovanna, Ph.D., Salisbury University, Maryland
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Previous print editions of the text Human Aging: Biological Perspectives are © Copyright 2000, 1994 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. and 2020 by Augustine DiGiovanna.
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