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Page -        mm from        Printed as                                                Should be
Column      top of page

xii - 1           25             the first                                                      this
2 - 2          195             6 percent                                                  60 percent
5 - 2          170             changes in                                                 changes occur in

27 - 2          30             (missing legend)                                         (a) Amino acid (b) Chain of amino acids
31 - 1         150             and increasing age.                                    (omit this phrase)
31 - 1         235             PUFA                                                      *PUFA

31 - 2           30             *PUFA1-O-O                                         *PUFA1-O-O
31 - 2           50             H-PUFA-O-O                                        H-PUFA1-O-O   (added 2-17-06)
32 - 1         165-170     this reaction,                                             these reactions,
35 - 1         115-125     and ROS though ... them. Some                and ROS. Though .... them, some

36 - 2          120             bursts                                                       spurts
37 - 2          180             (G1  and G2 labels in figure)                     (reverse G1 and G2 labels in figure )
40 - 1**        55            chromosome 23                                        chromosome 21
                    (**Found by Kristin Darius from State University of New York at Geneseo)
41 - 1          220             past 100                                                   passed 100
43 - 2            35             to carry the                                               to perform the

45 - 1          135             (e.g., calcium) more                                  (e.g., calcium). mtDNA is more
85 - 1          125             artery lead to                                            artery leads to
99 - 1 & 2     90-130     (missing labels)                                          (add labels for soft palate, pharynx, glottis, and oral
                                                                                                      cavity; label vocal cords)

107 - 2        135             is eliminated with the next expiration           is removed with the next breath
114 - 2        115             maybe                                                       may be
134 - 1        115             largely retain ability perform                        largely keep ability to perform

143 - 2        185             T-protein                                                   (symbol for tau)-protein
144 - 1        210             t-protein                                                    (symbol for tau)-protein
146 - 1          75             usuaily                                                        usually
151 - 1          40-45        is usually noted when                                  is called glare. It is usually noted when
155 - 2        115             because is it                                                because it is

157 - 2          35-65       (all FR and FRs)                                         (change all to *FR and *FRs)
163 - 2        115             FR                                                             *FR
165 - 2        115             without cracking.                                         without cracking, and is antibacterial.

170 - 2         65             binding                                                        bending
177 - 2        115-120     (all FR and FRs)                                         (change all to *FR and *FRs)
182 - 185      all             Vo2max                                                      VO2max

187 - 1         185            starting it with                                              starting with
187 - 2         230            focusing it on                                               focusing on
198 - 1**     130            formation                                                     removal
                    (**Found by Patricia Brown, M.D., Westark College, Ft. Smith, AR)
200 - 1         225            results primarily in                                        results primarily from

203 - 1         165            rapid with age. Like all                                 rapid with age. (new paragraph) Like all
208 - 1&2      80            (missing line to esophagus)                           (add line to esophagus)
242 - 1         2  5            retirement children                                        retirement; children

258 - 1         110            (NO)                                                           (*NO)
290 - 1           35            2 to 3 percent                                               2 percent to 3 percent
295 - 2           90            diffuse                                                          diffuses

296 - 1         170-175    immune function; and                                     immune function and
298 - 1         105            part or all or the                                            part of or all the
299 - 1           30            mone do not change                                      mone either do not change

301 - 2         150            take melatonin to slow,                                  take DHEA to slow,
308-1           135            to have only IGT.                                          to have IGT and its risks.
310-1             45            for microbes, encouraging their                      for microbes and suppresses WBC defenses, both of
                                                                                                               which encourage microbial

315-1         25                human leucocyte-associated ecules of             human leukocyte-associated (HLA) receptors. These
                                                                                                                receptors bind to molecules of
316-2         85                The macrophages perform this                       The macrophages and Langerhans cells perform their

316-2         95                 items, it trans-                                               items, they trans-
322-1        85                 sometimes                                                     Sometimes
327-2        55                 so they can be                                                in hopes of being

329-1&2                        (labels in figures)  LS                                      XL

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©  Copyright 2020: Augustine G. DiGiovanna, Ph.D., Salisbury University, Maryland
The materials on this site are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

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Previous print editions of the text Human Aging: Biological Perspectives are © Copyright 2000, 1994 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. and 2020 by Augustine DiGiovanna.
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